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It should go without saying that there is no better or more reliable source for information on celebrity-related happenings in our Hollywood backyard than the British tabloid press, who gleefully re-export star-dirt to filth-craving American consumers. The Sun UK provides the obligatory biweekly report on the state of Jennifer Aniston's healing process, which if this report is to be believed, has finally advanced to the "selling Brad Pitt's old clothes" phase:

JENNIFER ANISTON got revenge on ex-hubby BRAD PITT by giving his old clothes to charity.

She was spotted dumping bags of Brad s rags at a second-hand store in Burbank, California.

A source said: When a woman in the shop realised that it was Jennifer Aniston, she went over to see what she d left.

But it was too late because a worker who didn t recognise Jen had already dumped the clothes in a bin mixed with lots of others.

Last year Jen held a ceremony on the beach by her Malibu home where she set fire to her wedding dress officially marking the demise of her marriage.

With her wedding dress ceremonially immolated and her ex's old clothes deposited into the second-hand store network, where they may one day swath a new, poorer generation of future America's Sweetheart-dumping cads, Aniston's psychic recovery is nearly complete. We'll assiduously monitor the British tabloids for the final stages of healing: the scissoring of Pitt's head from emotionally significant pictures in the couple's photo albums, and the crossing out of Pitt's name from her dream journal, with optional replacing of all instances of "Brad" with "Stupidhead."