'Observer' Reporter Seeks Lactating Breasts

A brand-new mom we know recently paid a visit to Upper Breast Side, which describes itself as "New York City's first breastfeeding boutique," and she filed this intriguing report:
The store is very crunchy — in a barely converted apartment, filled with breast-feeding paraphernalia, run by very nice but doctrinaire breast-feeding-Nazi types. Anyway, they have all these business cards on display... people offering services to new and expecting moms — lactation consultants, etc. Among the cards available for the taking:
• Midwifery Services, Inc.
• The Birth of the Easier Birth (TM): Premium Doula Services
• Birth Focus: Serving the NY Birth Community since 1983
• Anna Schneider-Mayerson, reporter, the New York Observer
I thought it was pretty funny that she left a fat stack of her cards there. Maybe she's on the baby beat at the Observer? Or wants to be breast fed?
Actually, last we heard Schneider-Mayerson was on the pink paper's law-firm beat. Which, come to think of it, makes this all make sense: Who knows more about snagging a New York lawyer than a new mom on the Upper West Side?
UPDATE: Schneider-Mayerson writes in to remind us that she has covered other beats in her Observer career. "I sent the store's owner my cards when I was looking for baby announcement subjects," she explains. "But I'm always happy to speak to any lactating lawyer."