Tom Cruise Goes Yahoo

When he's not (allegedly!) making humorless threats to his corporate employers or publicly demonstrating his passion for his war-bride-to-be for 50,000 captive baseball fans, Tom Cruise is unafraid to show off his action-star stunt chops to meet his personal appearance obligations. Yesterday, Cruise traveled north to Yahoo's HQ in Sunnyvale, where he delighted the company's employees with his A-list presence. Well, delighted some of them, as an SFist tipster wasn't quite buying in to the Tom-and-Katie show:
His visit didn't really make much sense, until you factor in that the company CEO is a former Hollywood guy.
Mr. Cruise was about 45 minutes late because he flew his own plane up here, and the weather was bad. Then he RAN across the tarmac, jumped on a Ducati, raced down 101 to the campus, and then RAN across campus to the stage.
Katie was there, too, but she flew in separately. Jesus, he drags her pregnant ass everywhere, doesn't he? He brought her on stage so he could kiss her in front of everyone because HE LOVES HER AND GOT HER PREGNANT, OK?
Tech-dirt compiling brother site Valleywag documented much of the mayhem, even getting a Yahoo mole to liveblog the momentous appearance, during which the guest of honor gamely arm-wrestled Yahoo CEO Terry Semel and Cruised a couch (that gag never gets old!) for good measure.