How the Gossip Gets Made, Cont'd.

Is there anything more delightful than a publicity firm "leaking" you "news" in the form of a pre-written unsourced item? Only when the faux-news involves the intrafamilial goings-on of Donald "If she wasn't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her" Trump:
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: Ivanka Trump Item Suggestion
We hear that Ivanka Trump will be doing a photo shoot this week for the cover of Trump World Magazine, which is switching to a male readership magazine in the next issue. The recent Wharton grad who appears on her dad's show "The Apprentice" swore off modeling but is making an exception since it's her dad's magazine.
Rubenstein Public Relations
1345 Avenue of the Americas, fl 30
New York, NY 10105
(t) 212.843.XXXX
(f) 212.843.XXXX
Shoot. Guess the columns have an extra hole to fill now. Sorry, guys.
Earlier: The Secret of a Page Six Scoop