• Rap historian Jeff Chang and BET's unimonikered man about town, Toure, talk shop at Housing Works' "An Evening of Hip-Hop." The bookshop even tries to up its street cred by bringing in a DJ for the occasion. [flavorpill]
• Legendary MIT prof and quantum computer designer Seth Lloyd waxes philosophical on mind benders like, "How much information is there in the universe? What information existed at the time of the Big Bang and what happened to it? What would happen if we tried to create our world on a computer?" In other words, a guy with twice your IQ will answer the questions you come up with when you're stoned. [Upcoming]
• Got a little something left in that dimebag? Animal Collective plays Webster Hall tonight. Thanks to the Times, we can now add "bearded" to our already expansive list of hipster concert-attendee descriptors. [Upcoming]