• Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, the former Onion scribes behind the Found Footage Festival, show off their grubby wares at Galapagos Art Space tonight in Williamsburg. As if there is any other locale in which one might showcase video footage culled from dumpsters and thrift stores. [flavorpill]
• Mercy College hosts a seminar on everything you ever wanted to know about Nietzsche but were afraid to ask because you didn t want your prof to know you didn t actually do the reading. We re guessing it s a rather short list. [Paper]

• Take your potty-mouthed friends over to the Aristocontest at the Peoples Improv Theater tonight, where audience members can try their hand at telling the world s filthiest joke. Alas, no one in the audience will be even a quarter as perverted as Bob Sagat. [PIT]
• In the right corner, wearing red trunks, hailing from Eel Pie Island: your Noisettes! In the left corner, wearing the gold trunks, hailing from Sheffield: your Arctic Monkeys! Let the battle of the British invaders begin. [flavorpill; Upcoming]

New York quartet stellastarr* plays nice little pop songs for all the girls and boys not watching Chloe Sevigny and Bill Paxton get freaky on Big Love. [flavorpill]

* No, no. The asterisk wasn't to get you to read something down here. It's part of the band's name.