Remainders: Werner Herzog Makes A Suggestion Involving Sex and Travel

• "You can't out-slut a pussy full of Pam." Our Grandma used to say that all the time. [Jossip]
• Church of Scientology to buy Neverland? Well, it might be nice to see that place a little more normal. [Cityrag]
• Toby Young says Graydon Carter will be the next head of Paramount. Yep. [Defamer]
• Online sports coverage may be unreliable. Everything else online is completely, 100 percent aboveboard. [ Gelflog]
• Streisand to tour again. This is where the joke playing on the words "happy" and "gay" goes. [USAT]
• When Lee Kazimir learns that what Herzog really said was the German equivalent of, "Take a long walk off a short pier," he's gonna be pissed. [AP]
• Viewed from close up, Katherine Harris doesn't look at all scary or drag queenish. [Wonkette]
• And all along we thought that Andrew Sarris was boring the hell out of us with original prose. [The Reeler]
• Bloggers to wed. Is it just us or does the thought of bloggers having sex with each other make you want to take, oh, about a thousand showers? [Media Mob/NYO]
• Consumerist readers name Halliburton as the worst company in America. Next month, they'll name the color of the sky as blue. [Consumerist]
• The Bonsai Potato. Give us a break; it's Friday. We want to get out of here. [The Bonsai Potato]