Gavin Newsom is friends with the Google guys! Honest!

San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom on choosing Google or another candidate to blanket SF with wifi:
We wanted to be extra careful, knowing that when Google made the bid, that people will say, "Oh, that's right, he was in Davos with Larry Page."
The SF Chronicle summarizes an e-mail from Google to Gavin:
A Google secretary tries to arrange some social time between Larry Page, Google's co-founder, and the mayor in an e-mail to his secretary.
Gavin again:
I sure as heck don't need Google for San Francisco to succeed.
1. Next week, the Chronicle releases e-mails from Gavin begging for a story calling him Larry Page's friend.
2. Watch it, Gavin. Sergey is vicious when jealous.
3. Dropped from the story: Gavin and Larry's "BFF" bracelets.
4. Stop worrying about corrupt wifi deals — worry how often we'll have to see Gavin's toothy grin next to Larry's Muppet smile.
S.F. mayor's friendship with Google's founders [SF Chron]
Earlier: Gavin Newsom: "I have a lot of friends." [Valleywag]