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Yes, we know: Friday afternoon, Amy Stevens, editor of the Weekend Journal section, announced she'll be leaving the paper to go join her old boss Joanne Lipman at the still-TK new Conde Nast business magazine. She'll be co-deputy editor, we hear, with Jim Impoco. We're told Journalists are on one hand not at all surprised about this, as Stevens has long been a protege of Lipman's, and on the other a bit surprised, as Stevens is a WSJ lifer, there for her whole two-decade-ish career.

This comes on the heels of the recent announcement that the Journal's weekend news editor, Eileen Daspin, is leaving to become executive editor of Elle Decor. With this exodus from the top of the paper's fluffy weekend sections, perhaps this is a prime opening for — hell, why not mention it for the fourth time today? — a light, gossipy blog about Wall Street. If only someone were at work on such a thing....