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They've already lost Sia Michel and Klosterman and Spitz and Itzkoff and their pregnant managing editor; as of Friday, it seems, Spin lost a few more. Editor Caryn Ganz and Jon Dolan were axed, as was onliner Jessica Gross. One rumor that's crossed our path suggests that a requirement to sign some sort of loyalty oath or something may have led at least in part to this last round of blood letting, but we're a touch skeptical of that. Who's possibly left to be loyal to?

UPDATE: Among the many things we would learn if we ever did real reporting is that her name is Jessica Grose, that she gave notice at Spin before the sale, and that she's been in her new job for two weeks already. So, um, never mind. And apologies, Jessica.

Sia Michel Out, Andy Pemberton In at 'Spin'
Chuck Klosterman, Spun Out
What Goes Up Must Come Down, Spinning Wheel Got to Go Round