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This showed up in our inbox overnight. We're told Maer sent it to the staffers he's planning to hire when/if Radar restarts. We don't know if that's true, and we don't know if this is real. But isn't it fun to assume it is?

This morning WWD ran an item alleging that Ron Burkle is close to a deal to fund Radar. Needless to say, half-baked items like this are not exactly helpful to our cause. In the next few days, some of you may be contacted by others trying to follow up on this story...The success of this venture will depend on our ability to control our own message, rather than allowing the Gawkers of the world do it for us.... I can not overstate the importance of discretion at this time. While its no secret that we've been approached by various parties interested in relaunching Radar, we have not closed a deal with anyone. (Sadly, talks with P-Diddy and David Geffen stalled over the issue of editorial control.)

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of 'Radar.'