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There's no new news on Radar today — nothing on the likelihood of 3.0, nothing on the funders of 3.0, nothing on who'll be around for 3.0. But that's certainly no reason not to engage in ongoing rampant speculation.

First, there's a new theory on the mag's design, which we don't much believe but will pass on anyway:

Rumor has it the new Radar is going to be a weekly tabloid-style mag and is going to compete with Star, Us Weekly, In Touch, etc.

Then there's news that Yusef Jackson — who, a tipster reminds us, has been quite successful on his own, working hard and not cashing in on dad's shakedown money — has displayed an itch for ink and paper before:

It's not Yusef's first foray into a publishing venture either. He attempted earlier last year (with Burkle) to bid on the Chicago Sun-Times. A Bud distributorship on the North Side of Chicago in a steak and beer town with tons of colleges is a fairly profitable business to be in, with or without his Daddy's help.

And, finally, an informed observer gives a further insight into 3.0's likely staff. (No on Bill Vourvoulias, likely yes on Drew Lee.) That email is after the jump.

Your guesses were mostly on the money, in my not-very-informed opinion, though I wouldn't be surprised if Maer lures Remy back in some capacity, and I put Drew Lee on Maer's side of the fence, if just barely.

Vourvoulias is probably not eager to go back to the thankless task of keeping Maer on time and on budget. He's landed at Interview, and he'll stay there. Dale Hrabi will be wooed but not won.

Look for Tyler Gray, Derek De Koff, and Jaime Lowe to return with promotions. I was going to say "deserved promotions," but they deserve better than to have to return to Radar.

The 'Radar' Re-Relaunch: Who's Coming Back?
Gawker's coverage of 'Radar.'