Whitney Houston Making Crack House A Crack Home

In fairness to Whitney Houston, if our sister-in-law had sold a picture to the National Enquirer of our bathroom before we had a chance to tidy up the freebasing paraphernalia, celebrity glossies, screwdrivers, empty Budweiser cans and Newport packs, you might well jump to the conclusion that we're a bunch of bottomed-out crack whores, too. (You'd be right, but one can never assume.) Tina Brown, Bobby's sister, tells the Enquirer she was Whitney's "drug buddy" for months, but their Thelma & Louise-on-crack adventures started to wear thin once Whitney started spending "days locked in her bathroom amidst piles of garbage, using sex toys to satisfy herself and ignoring personal hygiene." Poor Bobby: Everything we saw of him in Being Bobby Brown indicated the guy's just trying his hardest to be a good dad, a task not made any easier when you're required to explain to your kids that mommy missed their birthday dinner because she had an "important appointment with Dr. Spoon and Prof. Needles."