Remainders: Teri Hatcher and Ryan Seacrest Sign New Dating Contract

• Teri Hatcher and Ryan "Not Gay" Seacrest enjoy an intimate moment. You better believe it — they'd never, ever stage something like this for the press. This concludes the swallow-your-own-vomit moment for today, brought to you by Us Weekly. [Us Weekly]
• If the thought of minivans and picket fences weren't horrifying enough, another reason why Connecticut should be avoided. [1010 WINS]
• Kate Moss lashes out at paparazzi. Coke makes you edgy and angry like that. [LSE]
• Just like bears, attractive New Yorkers hibernate during winter. [Logged Hours]
• There's not a lot to say about Vin Diesel. Thank God for small pleasures. [Fawny]
• And finally, who's the real victim in the Duke lacrosse team gang rape incident? Duke alum Dan Abrams. The poor thing must be crippled with grief. [MSNBC]