New York magazine's mating columnist Amy Sohn — who's been on the world's longest maternity leave — is apparently gearing up for her return. We suspect that the new mom will be writing about issues near and dear to her heart, judging from the following email she's sent around:

From: Amy Sohn
Date: Wed 3/29/2006 7:14 PM
Subject: breeders vs. anti-breeders

Hi All, I am looking to talk with New York City residents who feel their neighborhood has been overtaken by breeders and rugrats, i.e., people with children. People whose bars, streets, parks, dog runs, tea lounges, restaurants have been overrun with children and who don't like it. I am also looking to talk with unrepentant breeders, the kind who bring their kids EVERYwhere, change them on tables, about why they feel the world should accommodate them and not vice versa. Good neighborhoods for this are Park Slope, Prospect Heights, UWS, Meatpacking, Carroll Gardens, etc. Thanks for any help you can give and please forward this to people who might comment. I am not looking for child-haters, just people who don't like the erosion of adult spaces in NYC...AMY

Oh, we love this idea — especially when it was on Sex and the City. Will Amy get pasta dumped on her head just like Samantha? Can't wait to find out.