New 'Times' Site Offers Wedding Videos

While we've been busily trying to sort out our feelings about the new Times website — it seems more good than bad, though we do so hate change — a reader pointed us to a very exciting new feature:
Are you aware that the "new" NYT web site contains VIDEOS of those tools profiled on the weddings page? Now you can actually watch those people share their "amusing" stories of how they managed to find someone. I suppose that the upside is that you can actually see what these people are really like — are they as sickeningly pretentious as they sound? Are they as desperate as they sound?
Pretentious? Desperate? We can't really tell, because the bad news is that we see a video clip offered for only one of this Sunday's couples. The good news, on the other hand, is that the couple in question is Ranit Saposh and Gabriel Shiff. We were briefly terrified we might be forced to watch Vows groom Claude Brodesser's adult circumcision.
Weddings & Celebrations [NYT]
Video: Ranit Saposh and Gabriel Shiff [NYT]
Vows: Taffy Akner and Claude Brodesser [NYT]