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The co-author of the hot new lez-lit handbook, Same Sex in the City: So Your Prince Charming Is Really a Cinderella? Yeah, she works for Google. Gawker alum Choire Sicha says Lauren Levin's bio calls her a "top ad-sales junior executive at Google," and I'll take his word for it. (The bio's nowhere to be found on the web. It must be on paper somewhere.)

She never made it into the tournament (I blame Google New York's slow PR team), but I'd like to officially recognize Lauren as an all-around Google Hottie — for her style, her Stones shirt, and her ability to monetize lesbianism (she got the book deal mere months after coming out! Such talent! Such connections in the publishing world!).

The Cockpit: Hot Lesbian Sexy Action [NYO Daily Transom]