Trade Round-Up: Hugh Jackman, King Of Cannes

· Hugh Jackman may be crowned King of Cannes, with both X Men: The Last Stand and The Fountain premiering at the festival. His first royal act will be to require that everyone join him for a mandatory showtune singing session in the town square to begin each day. [Variety]
· Not content to run Blockbuster nearly out of business, Netflix obtains a patent for its "DVD rentals by mail, unless the postman steals them" business model, then immediately sues the chain for stealing their idea. [THR]
· A federal judge finds that The WB's Smallville may be infringing on the copyrighted "Superboy" character, created by Jerome Siegel. No person, however, can claim a copyright on Smallville actor Tom Welling's pretty-boy looks, the true star of the show. [Variety]
· Congenitally perky early morning TV presence Kate Couric abandons NBC's Today Show to join Les Moonves' CBS harem as evening news anchor and 60 Minutes correspondent. Yeah, we really don't care either. [THR]
· Parker Posey will join ABC's Boston Legal for a three episode arc, during which extra set builders will be on hand to replace the scenery chewed to splinters by the combination of William Shatner, James Spader, and their temporary guest star. [THR]