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It's like Christmas and Boat Porn Day rolled into one: the SF Chron's Technology Chronicles splatters a whole gallery of photos from Larry Ellison's emergency backup yacht. Last night Netsuite (Larry Ellison's killer) threw a yacht party — to generally celebrate being rich — on the richly furnished boat.

Ellison's old boat, the "Ronin" (the name means "masterless samurai" in Japanese — or, more distressingly, "one who is tossed like a wave on the sea"), is furnished with a full lounge set, multiple dining tables, and a basketball hoop. And, oddly, an empty hot tub. Why wouldn't a crowd of Bay Area journalists and notables want to polish off their party with a party in the jacuzzi? I mean, it'd at least make a great photo for Valleywag.

Netsuite parties on Larry's yacht [Tech Chronicles]