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"Yahoo's being lame again, and this time it's internal," says a reader from inside the !plex. That's how he describes the project-turned-party launched inside Yahoo HQ yesterday.

It's called FUSE. Which I believe stands for Fucking USEless, but actually means...lemme look it up...F(ind) U(se) S(hare) E(xpand). Or in other words, a bunch of search team dorks decorating the corridors of one of the Yahoo campuses instead of doing any real work.

Ouch. Does the idea-sharing project deserve that kind of ripping? Yahooers can defend or decry the project in the comments or e-mail.

Meanwhile, some context: FUSE started as Yahoo exec Jeff Weiner's vision last year, and he chatted with John Battelle about it. It's all about sharing and collaborating and Web 2.0 — which, granted, does sound like an excuse to goof off. They do seem to be having a ball in their Flickr photos. It may not be the reason Yahoo made the Fortune 500 this year, but the balloons and partying ought to kick Yahoo up a few notches on "Best places to work."

Photos tagged Yahoo Fuse [Flickr]