Calista Flockhart Admits Not Eating May Have Played Part In Weight Loss

The eating disorder repudiation is a particular subspecies of the larger genus of publicist-generated celebrity denial: A deathly thin actress will insist up and down that their frame has nothing to do with, say, their 17-calorie-a-day Sweet n' Low and olive diet, and everything to do with some convenient external factor ("I inhereted a freakishly fast metabolism from my Grammie Bea!") The excuses are almost always, pardon the expression, hard to swallow, and no one made more of them than Calista "I'm tiny boned!" Flockhart. Flockhart has finally fessed up that her skin-and-bones look from her Ally McBeal days was a result of—surprise!—constantly exercising and not finding the "time to eat":
Calista said: "At the time of all that, I was seriously stressed.
"I was working 15-hour days on the set and then I was dealing with the end of the show, which was basically my life.
"I started under-eating, over-exercising, pushing myself too hard and brutalising my immune system. I guess I just didn't find the time to eat. I am much more healthy these days."
We couldn't be more relieved that Flockhart is back on the calorie-intake train, if for no other reason than the implicit lovelife-enhancing benefits for Harrison Ford. There is now a thin, voluptuous layer of sub-epidermal flesh for him to grab onto above her bony hip protrusions, and he no longer lives in fear of crushing her skeleton into thousands of shards should he get a little too caught up in the moment.
UPDATE: Flockhart's rep denies the story to Us Weekly:
"It's a total fabrication," says Melissa Kates. "She never spoke to [The Mirror]. She never said those things."
While we're not at all surprised that Flockhart's flack issued a swift denial to an item in the often fact-agnostic British tabloids, we also believe that neither the publicist nor the actress can possibly account for every single conversation Flockhart has with the press while in a starvation-induced fugue state.