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The following PrivacyWatch sighting takes place between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm on Sunday, April 9, 2006:

I was shopping at American Apparel on Robertson [Sunday afternoon] when Kiefer Sutherland walked in. Visibly agitated, he ran his eyes up and down the racks of clothes as he strode past, then remarked out loud, but to nobody in particular, "All I need are some white, v-neck, t-shirts — why does this have to be so difficult?"

Unfortunately, the above encounter serves as yet another painful reminder of how inferior real life is to the heightened reality of television. After further interrogation, our high-level operative reported that Sutherland's next move was not to grab a salesgirl in gym shorts and knee-high tube socks by the throat, toss her against a wall, and demand that he be taken to the white v-necks before they lose any more precious time—our spy spotted Sutherland on the street about a half hour later with no shopping bags, a likely indication that he had failed in his mission.