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Yesterday, Metroblogging co-founder Sean Bonner slammed t-shirt seller Threadless for throwing up what he threw down: the blog gangsign. Then BoingBoing picked up the story and taught the controversy: Sean Bonner invented not only the blog sign, but the Bloods gang sign, and he makes five cents every time the gang (a REAL GANG. with BLACK PEOPLE) throws the sign. (It must be true! It's on a blog!)

Today Sean throws down the two-man wiki gang sign. Mothafuckas beware.

Note: This is not an attempt to start linkbaiting with a string of Internet-related gang signs. Anyone who treats it as such will be driven to an L.A. ghetto and left to die.

OMFG! The blog gangsign gets marketed! [Sean Bonner]
Tshirt of "blog gang hand-sign" rips off blogger? [Boing Boing]
Wiki Gang Sign [Sean Bonner]