Good PR is bad PR is good PR

Some PR is too much PR. An anonymous reader sends in an unconfirmed story:
Story I overheard: The best incident of bad outsourced PR was when this PR agency (S & S Public Relations) pitched a company's CEO/founder (SnapStream) on the launch of a competitor's product and in the same e-mail entreated him to write a review of it. The CEO replied to the e-mail from the agency's PR flack, copied the CEO of the competitor in question and said, basically, "Thanks, but... no thanks." Some PR agencies, are, well, not that good.
If it's true (and not a bum tip from S & S's rival), it's less a goof-up than a clever marketing tool. Yes, S & S is pushing the envelope with the new "win the competitors over" tactic. In an industry where everyone claims they're not competitors — ever ask the heads of Movable Type and Wordpress whether their blogging platforms compete? — the progressive move is to tout your rival's product. It shows you're Clued In! You Get It! You're on the Cluetrain!
You're not making a profit anyway!