Shining stars of public relations: S&S PR

Either one of S&S PR's competitors is a brutal gossip, or this is one...special...Valley PR firm. A reader tells another tale of S&S's antics.
I joined a start-up that was using S&S PR (the PR they were getting was nil to non-existent) so, after I checked out the situation, I gave S&S their notice, thanked them and bid 'em adieu.
I never heard from anyone other than the junior AE on the account, who was nice, but c'mon, you'd think someone else (even another junior AE!) would have called to say we'd like to keep your business.
Instead, a month or two later, the CEO of S&S emailed my boss to say that S&S could really improve our existing PR (we were actually getting some positive press at this point, btw) and we should really be talking to S&S to find out how to move the business into high gear.