How to Quietly Turn a Suspension Into a Termination

As they are wont to do with even the most non-competitive of their competitors, today's Page Six happily summarizes the death of the Times' Boldface Names columns (and, we have to add, the tone strikes as a bit too gleeful given the current circumstances). They note that in editor Bill Keller's announcement, he made it clear that the decision had nothing to do with the "the bonfire at Page Six." Page Six writes:
Keller, of course, was referring to the extortion allegations leveled by billionaire Ron Burkle against former Page Six part-timer Jared Paul Stern.
Ah — subtle, but it's there: former. Guess that makes it official.
Timid Column's Un-Times-ly Demise [Page Six]
Earlier: Breaking: 'Times' to Kill Boldface Column