Open blinds: All parties and events for the flack who gets around

Which PR flack recently took her chance in a reply-to-all e-mail (on a list filled with web developers, journalists, and pundits of the new-boom crowd) to let everyone know that, yes, she already knew the new kid?
A local marketing maven sent twenty-six of the Valley's "cool kids" a note introducing a consultant just moving into San Francisco. Among the reply-to-all responses (to her credit, "Social Butterfly" wasn't the only replyer-to-all):
Already connected with her of course :-) And don't worry, we'll look after her here [name redacted] :-) Lots of parties/events a comin' up :-) Come visit....
For S.B., Web 2.0 is made of people she's already met — just mention a big name in conversation, and she'll remind you. The best plan? You can't escape — not if you go to parties too — so just become another name she can drop.