Hot models hate the TechCrunch effect

The TechCrunch effect: getting covered on Michael Arrington's tech blog makes business boom, it gets you into parties, it makes jerk-off Valley men treat your modeling site like a San Jose strip club. The owner of wrote Valleywag this letter:
I wish I'd never heard of techcrunch and their geeky viewers
Not sure if this is a tip, but ever since techcrunch did an article on - we are getting numerous middle aged men signing up for free trials and sending messages to our models asking for dates or even worse, trying to sell themselves to our models with stupid lines like "I'm a big shot tech investor with lots of money" ... funny part is that this is the last thing most our model girls care about ... I feel like telling these guys, "it's looks they care about, stupid!, they are already making money for their looks!".
And this is after Arrington warned his readers not to treat the models like flipmeat. The rest of Solomodels' letter (including the line "Sometimes it's best to remain unknown to the people you don't care about") is after the jump.
In all fairness to techcrunch, he warned people that it's against our policies to contact members for non-modeling related purposes, but apparently people don't care. It's been a major headache filtering these bogus accounts and somewhat damaging to our reputation.
Sometimes its best to remain unknown to the people you don't care about!!! We never had this problem before and now we've had to add extra checks to our system before messages can be sent, so for anyone who might want to try this now, be warned, your messages will no longer go thru and your credit card will be charged and your account will be cancelled if you violate our terms of service which prohibits this.
Please don't sign up on our system!!!