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This weekend's Times tries extra-specially hard to tease your suicidal tendencies with a Real Estate article on 24-year-old Kreiss furniture scion Loren Kreiss. Kreiss enjoys a 1,500-square-foot loft in Chelsea's Mercantile Building (estimated to go for about $6k per month), which he's furnished with his family's furniture, an antique Coke machine, a custom-made Taylor guitar, and several clocks that he purposely sets to the wrong time so he can be appropriately "quirky." His walls are decorated with art from his unpublished graphic novel — future novels are written on his Blackberry while he's getting his cardio fix at the gym.

Says Kreiss, "I think I'm paranoid of people viewing me as just a little rich kid."

Oh, now that's just silly.

Where Time Is of the Essence [NYT]