Lit Agent David Vigliano Thinks People Love Jayson Blair's Story, or Hate It

David Vigliano on Jayson Blair, in "Hey, Victim, Want a Book Deal? Jill Carroll's Post-Trauma Choice," by Sheelah Kolhatkar, NYO, today:
Ms. Carroll's future book project was going to be big, according to Mr. Vigliano. "She's very sympathetic, so I think there'll be a very positive reaction to her book," he said. "You gotta differentiate between somebody who's seen like a hero, like she is or [Charles] Moose is, and someone who's notorious, like Jayson Blair or Jared Paul Stern. If a lot of people are offended by the person's behavior, ultimately they're not going to buy a book."
David Vigliano on Jayson Blair, in "The Blair Pitch Project," by Joe Hagan, NYO, May 26, 2003:
Mr. Vigliano, meanwhile, is working hard — and fast — to turn the 27-year-old into Jayson Blair Inc. It's a story that he believes could be worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in film and book royalties....
Already, speculation in the New York Post has suggested the possibility of a six- or seven-figure advance for a book by Mr. Blair. Those figures, Mr. Vigliano said, "don't seem unreasonable to me. It's a huge, huge story. I've talked to Jayson and I've seen the richness of this story. It's a very deep and very textured and layered story, and he's a gifted writer — and no, those figures don't seem unreasonable at all, by any means."
Hey, Victim, Want a Book Deal? Jill Carroll's Post-Trauma Choice [NYO]