Miracle Baby Postpartum: The Mystery Of Officer Chase

Any event as momentous as yesterday's Miracle Birth is sure to have its share of unanswered questions (for the moment, we're not talking about ones of parentage), and several readers found themselves instantly curious about a strange cameo in the AP story announcing the arrival of young Suri Cruise:
At the Beverly Hills home of Cruise and Holmes on Tuesday, about a dozen reporters and photographers stood outside the gates and a steady stream of tourists and curious passers-by stopped to take a look. Some visitors left baby gifts outside the gate, which was shrouded in black to keep anyone from peering inside.
A police motorcycle officer stopped in the late afternoon to watch the goings-on. The patrolman, who identified himself as Officer Chase, said he was making a routine check because there had been heightened activity around the area.
He asked if Holmes had given birth yet and, told she had, he drove off.
You'd think that an actor as accomplished as Cruise could've improvised a name less obvious than "Officer Chase" (though given how clumsily he and his team have handled the last year of his life, we're not too surprised—at least he didn't go with "Captain Maverick") while surreptitiously checking to make sure that the media was still staking out the decoy proceedings at his compound, then riding off to St. John's, satisfied that his nursery window-shopping could proceed unmolested.