Trade Round-Up: Tom Hanks Consummates Lifelong Love Affair With ABBA

· Because no hit musical can go unadapted into an underwhelming big-screen adaption, Tom Hanks' Playtone has reached a deal to produce a movie version of the ABBA-infused hit Mamma Mia! [Variety]
· Emmy-winning TV director and producer Scott Brazil, executive producer on The Shield, died Monday from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Lyme disease at the age of 50. [THR]
· Because no heartwarming, disability-related true story of athletic triumph can go untranslated into a big-screen spectacle, Columbia will produce a movie about the heartwarming true story of autistic high school basketball player Jason McElwain. [Variety]
· Hey, guess what! Lots of people still like to watch American Idol and House. [THR]
· New Line buys the comedy pitch Me, Me, Me about "the world's most obnoxious narcissist, who wishes people could be more like him and then enters a living hell when his dream becomes a reality," i.e., he goes clubbing on Hollywood Boulevard. [Variety]