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Another bad day for Chinese dissidents as Yahoo gets accused of ratting out a third writer to the government, Skype admits to censoring Chinese conversations, and the NYT Magazine running a 10-page piece on Google's China trouble.

To avoid China's site blacklist, you'll need tools like the EFF's Tor system. For keyword censorship, there's always bad spelling. But this handy code-word list should prove helpful:

  • "Falun Gong" = "The 700 Club"
  • "Tiananmen Square" = "Lover's Lane"
  • Any censored obscenity = "fiddle-faddle"
  • "Democracy" = "Free beer"
  • "Oppression" = "Toe-stubbing"
  • "Dalai Lama" = "Big Bird"

Granted, if anyone in China is speaking in Chinese, you'll have to get your own damn list.

Yahoo accused of helping jail China Internet writer [Reuters]
Skype boss defends Chinese text censorship [Inquirer]
Google in China: The Big Disconnect [NYT]
List of words censored by search engines in Mainland China [Wikipedia]