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The complacent American paparazzi, who are merely willing to induce high-speed collisions with luxury automobiles while on the trail of a hot subject, should be shamed by the efforts of their ditch-digging, beating-catching brethren currently working the Pitt-Jolie beat in Namibia. Reports

The source reports that although the paparazzi have been lurking all around the compound, peeking out from bushes and perching in trees, the snappers had, for the most part, respected the compound's boundaries. Sunday, however, a photog was spotted having literally DUG A DITCH to get on to the grounds and was taking pictures of Brad and Maddox, who were at play in the yard. "The bodyguard literally beat the crap out of this guy," a source tells TMZ, adding, "Brad and Maddox were right there watching."

Tough guy Mickey Brett, the security guard overseeing Brangelina's high-security compound, issued this threat to the press earlier this week: "If I find anyone getting a picture of Jolie, I will f****ing smash someone to pieces. I'm not joking. I'll f***ing put someone in the hospital. Tell your friends."

It's hard to say how such everyday brutality might affect the two children's development. Hopefully, Pitt and Jolie will adequately explain why it's acceptable to sanction violence against some camera-wielding strangers but not others , ensuring that when the kids are school age, they will know not to order one of their hulking guardians to cripple the photographer attempting to take their class picture.