Overheard in NY, Part II: Curse of the Blogfight

Yesterday we reported that publisher Morgan Friedman had somewhat unceremoniously removed Michael "Malice" Krechmer* from his position as editor of Overheard in New York, the successful weblog that has spawned books and spin-offs. Today Friedman clarifies to us that he's the straight-up owner of the site, and explains why Malice-Krechmer was let go:
I hired Michael Krechmer to do headlines and publicity for Overheard and he was doing a pretty decent job until his biography, "Ego and Hubris", came out last week. I guess it got to his head — choice title. [...] He then bought another domain and threatened to start a copycat site with OINY's content unless we gave him complete control over the sites.
Blogger catfight? So unexpected.
Earlier: Overheard in NY: Malice Cut Loose?
*Yes, we've seen Malice's mass email. No less than 25 times. No need to forward, though we thank you for your diligence.