Breaking The Suri Code: Miracle Baby Nomenclature Scholarship Continues

Perhaps the single most debated Hollywood brainteaser since "Hey, what the hell happened to Helen Hunt?", the etymological origin and significance of the Cruise child's name, Suri, has been the focus of near Talmudic levels of scholarship in the days since her birthing. We therefore update our initial Suri analysis with an appendix:
· Many of you have brought up the song "Surrey With the Fringe On Top," from the classic musical Oklahoma!, drawing up some connection between Cruise and the story of a bunch of ballet-dancing cowboys in the American heartland. We're not exactly sure what the relevance is, but someone on the Data Lounge message boards seems to have a better grasp of the degrees of separation.
· We've gotten many tips that Suri is just an abbreviation of "surrogate," while Open All Night thinks it's derived from the Yiddish word "tsuris", though justifying that one is frankly more tsuris than it's worth.
· Lapdog rights activist Cindy Adams claims Suri has two Hebrew meanings, neither of which mean "princess": 1. A Syrian. 2. An order to dismiss a female.
· No one in Israel, the only country in the world that actually speaks Hebrew, has ever heard the word in their lives, though they are excited to be part of the cover-up simcha, even in a small, completely inaccurate way.
· A reader writes: "Has anyone written to point out that 'suri' is the middle of 'Cruise,' but all mixed up, like a non-OT-9 dyslexic might read it? Or a Scientologist who hadn't crushed enough anagrams?" Nope, just you!
· Dutch is the New Gay blog notes the similarity to the Japanese word "Paizuri," which we probably wouldn't have included except we like the definition.
· Our futuristic seafaring vessel theory gains ground! Another reader writes: "Did you know that the US Naval developed a military software program called SURI.C : Surface Ship Integrated Control?" We have no idea what that means, but we think it helps our case nonetheless.
· And finally, a perceptive mom sends us what could be the key to unlock the greatest puzzle of our time: "I'm not positive, but wasn't one of the lemurs from the movie 'Dinosaur' named Suri? I've watched it a hundred times with my kids and I'm pretty sure that the youngest lemur is named Suri. So the baby is named after a computer generated lemur on a Disney movie about dinosaurs. Sounds about right." She's correct. Not only that, the character was voiced by newly blossoming former child star Hayden Panetierre. The billion-years-old mystery deepens...