Trade Round-Up: JJ Abrams Declared New Trekkie God

· Paramount hands over its Star Trek movie franchise to JJ Abrams for a resurrection, who will write, produce, and direct (with a host of his Lost and M:i3 cohorts) a Trek prequel. Abrams, respectful of Trekkie devotion, plans to adapt this piece of fan art into the story of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock's early, experimental days at Starfleet Academy. [Variety]
· And in other JJ Abrams-related news, Alias and Lost producer Jesse Alexander signs a two-year overall deal with NBC Universal TV Studios. [THR]
· Hollywood NepotismWatch: Ron Howard will direct The Look of Real, and "hopes" that the movie will star his daughter, Bryce Dallas Howard. Yeah, we think we like the kid's chances of getting the gig. [Variety]
· Gilmore Girls showrunners Amy Sherman-Palladino and Dan Palladino leave Gilmore Girls after Warner Bros TV refuses to play ball on a new contract as the show shifts to The CW for its probable last season. [THR]
·The Lifetime Network enables Shannen Doherty to become professionally bitchy, signing her up for a reality series in which viewers can hire the actress to dump their boyfriends or terrorize other people in their life. Yes, for real. We can't wait. [Variety]