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"What Happened at Duke," by Susannah Meadows and Evan Thomas, Newsweek, today:

Because [lacrosse] until recently was played mostly at prep schools and in upper-middle-class communities on New York's Long Island and outside Baltimore, the players tend to be at once macho and entitled, a sometimes unfortunate combination. They can often be seen driving in SUVs with LAX decals, their dirty-white college ball caps turned around, a pinch of Skoal in their mouths.

"Lacrosse Players," by Dave Jamieson, Slate, April 7:

Lacrosse players hail from the privileged, largely white pockets of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. They unite and form tribes in Eastern prep schools, where they can be spotted driving SUVs with "LAX" stickers affixed to the rear windows. Many grow addicted to dipping Skoal and wearing soiled white caps with college logos on them.

What Happened at Duke [Newsweek]
Lacrosse Players [Slate]