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Profound — and, granted, profoundly inconsequential — sociomediacultural thought of the day:

If we accept The New Republic's recent assertion that Sunday Styles is about fancy people and ThuStyles is about those peoples' fancy things (which we don't necessarily, but let's run with it), and if we accept New York's recent assertion that there's a new cohort of 20- and 30-somethings, largely centered in bobo Brooklyn nabes, who are chronologically grown up but refuse to behave like grown-ups (the "grups," that is), and we if accept New York's assertion this week that there is a distinct design aesthetic centered in Brooklyn, which the magazine proceeds to document the concrete manifestations of, then it would stand to reason that said aesthetic is the grup aestethic, and that, under the TNR schema, the April 3 New York mag (coverline: "Forever Young") is therefore the Sunday Styles of the grups while this week's New York mag (coverline: "Brooklyn Style") is grupdom's Thursday Styles.

We'll now return you to your regularly scheduled celebrity stalking and gay jokes.

Brooklyn Style [NYM]
Up With Grups [NYM]
The Grey Lady Wears Prada [TNR]