4% Fictitious

Rush & Molloy report today that former gossip Deborah Schoeneman was looking nervous the other night "when she heard that some of her former colleagues from the New York Post" were at the same party. Her gossip industry roman clef, 4% Famous, details the unflattering exploits of "Column A," particularly those of its freebie loving editor and his drugged up successor, "Tim." Purely a work of Schoeneman's imagination, of course.
What we hear actually went down: Schoeneman asked a colleague if a certain Page Six staffer was at the party, as they had been sending her very hostile emails. Alas, no Sixers showed. So it was relief, not nervousness. Though that'll likely change soon.
Novel Just Might Be Thisclose to Real Page Sixcapades [R&M (2nd item)]