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Wonderful news. A mere six months — nearly to the day — since we got him fired from Conde Nast, where he was a freelance market researcher, Gawker mascot Andrew Krucoff finally has a new job. He'll be the web content developer at the 92 Street Y, which means he'll be writing for the Y's blog and also working on web marketing efforts. Most important, though, it means we'll perhaps finally stop feeling guilty about this whole thing, and that maybe Krucoff's Mom won't hate us anymore.

At least we can hope.

After the jump, Kruc's announcement.

Today marks the official lifting of the Pulsa diNura curse placed on the House of Gawker Media (or specifically, on Jesse Oxfeld's head) by my mom when I was expelled from Conde Nast for unjust but admittedly comical reasons in October.

It's been a long journey of partially-subsidized unemployment since then, but I had the opportunity to spend a month in Israel and, perhaps more memorably, two hours hiding in the fashion closet at Jane.

All that debt-building fun is over now because I've accepted a job with the 92nd Street Y, where my official title will be web content developer. This means I'll be co-editing the 92Y Blog and taking a role in guiding the Y's web marketing efforts. I look forward to my first foray into the non-profit world. I dream of fireside chats with David Remnick and "laughter yoga" brunches on the Upper West Side.

Oh yeah, please come by Makor tomorrow night and throw tomatoes at Gawker's very own Jess Coen and others in a lively discussion about the Britney/Jessica presidential ticket for '08. [Ed. note: Actually, no. It's been rescheduled for May 10. Good omen, ain't it?]

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Andrew Krucoff