Ann Curry, Oregon Duck, Is a Rich Guy

A University of Oregon alumnus — here! in the big city! in our very midst! — attended an alumni event the other night at which Today newsgal Ann Curry, a fellow Duck, spoke, and he presents a very good case for why little Annie didn't get the big chair when Katie decided to take her colon over to CBS:
Ann Curry showed up at a fundraiser for the University of Oregon journalism school Wednesday night at the Park Avenue home of former Procter & Gamble CEO Edwin L. Artzt. Both Curry and Artzt are Ducks, and about 20 or so other alums showed up for the school's annual Ann Curry star-fucking session. Curry, who graduated in 1978 and who said her first post-grad gig was as a cocktail waitress, gave an obviously often-repeated talk in which she tells the story of how her Japanese-immigrant mother couldn't understand why young Annie wanted to go to college at all. Here Curry switched into an embarrassing squeaky Asian woman voice to quote her mom: "Why you want to go to correge and spend all dat moneeee? All you need is to marry a reeech guy." It reminded me of the old Margaret Cho routine about the Korean mother running the gay porn store. After all the heart-warming chatter about how she gets to help change the world — apparently by flying to Namibia to interview Angelina Jolie — she concluded by saying that "now after my own fashion, I am the rich guy."
Life's tough without a TelePrompTer.