Halle Berry Finally Ready To Pretend She Wants To Adopt A Child

In this era of Angelina Jolie-instigated family-building tyranny, all celebrities are now forced to publicly consider (if not ultimately commit to) the adoption option, or suffer a public tarring as a privileged, callous enabler of Third World poverty and overpopulation. But even in the face of this pressure, Berry's interest seems half-hearted at best; while she seems to remove an initial contingency to her intentions by quickly acquiescing to a firmer commitment ("I will adopt if it doesn't happen for me naturally...I will definitely adopt. And I probably will adopt even if it does happen naturally."), she doesn't even bother to specify a suitably exotic ethnic background for her theoretical child. We'll believe she's not just cynically milking the idea for the publicity benefit when she announces her plan for voluntary sterilization, leaving herself no choice but to fill her empty home with the joyful cries Bengali street urchins.