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Today's Page Six has some interesting blind items, but we're going to focus on just one:

Which billionaire buyout buccaneer called his 3-year-old son to the dinner table the other night and had him repeat to the guests a phrase he had taught the toddler: "I want to [bleep] you up the [bleep]"? The 23-year-old nanny complained to the boy's mother, who told her to get over it, and the nanny quit on the spot.

God, we love rich people.

Rather than treat this as we normally would, we want to know your guesses as to what the toddler said. Sure, it could have simply been "I want to fuck you up the ass," but that's too easy and too plebeian. Let's get creative here. Send us your brilliant, perverse guesses (or post 'em in the comments) and we'll post the filthy lot of them at the end of the day. Oh, and if you care to also take a stab at the billionaire's identity, by all means.

Just Asking [Page Six]