Hot 97 Too Gangsta for Hudson Street Landlords

In a filing with the State Supreme Court, the District Council of Carpenters has sought to boot hip-hop radio station Hot 97 (WQHT) from its offices in the union-owned building at 395 Hudson Street; union members have also nailed an eviction notice to the station's front doors. The council maintains that WQHT is responsible for a slew of violent incidents "that have shocked, offended, repulsed, or threatened the safety of other tenants" in the building. Episodes range from verbal confrontations (such as when DMX kindly informed a guard that that he was a "$8.50 an hour fuckwit") to actual gunshots. For your entertainment, the Smoking Gun has 16 entertaining pages detailing the specific confrontations.
While all the building's tenants deserve to feel safe, this is a pimp cup brimming with unjust panic. Hot 97 has been doing kind of well, actually. There have been only three shootings at the station since 2001: the first two involved associates of Lil' Kim (now in jail for perjury) and that of 50 Cent and The Game, and it's unfair to expect these rappers to control every angry twitch of their posses. In a marked improvement, the third shooting, occuring just last week, was a simple bullet in the ass of some guy calling himself "Gravy." Frankly, we be applauding the decrease in violence.
Hip Hop Station Too Hot for Landlord [TSG]
Hot 97: Evicted? [VV]
'Beat It,' Union Tells Hot 97 [NYDN]