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This just in to the ol' Gawker mailbag:

Enjoying my morning coffee today at the corner of Hudson and Clarkson when I hear a sickening skid, then crunch, then cries of pain. A cab making a right on Clarkson hit some poor big bearded guy and knocked him clear off his scooter, helmet flying. He's sprawled out in pain on the street. So myself and other concerned people walk over to get a closer look to see whether he's OK. The cabbie also steps out of his cab to see. The guy on the ground, after about a minute of writhing in pain, sticks his arm up to have the cabbie help him up. I was about to use my cell to call 911 when I see that the guy on the ground is James Gandolfini. That's right, Tony Soprano. My cell phone then turned into a camera (as did all the other bystanders) for a real crappy, indecipherable picture.

We're told that the scooter seemed to be ruined, that Gandolfini rode off in another cab, clearly in pain, and that lots of other folks also took cameraphone pics. Anyone have a good one? Send it over. Please?