Snacky or Flacky prelims: Scandal and Mayhem
Rounds 1 and 2 of the Snacky or Flacky prelims (the first rounds in Valleywag's PR-hotties tourney) gave us a real victory and a fake-out. The honest-as-Woz victor was TagWorld's Paula Gould, who whipped ShopWiki's Carlos Odio, 337 votes to 130. Sorry Carlos, we'll always have a special place for you in our little black book.
All right, who jacked the Tiffany-vs-Jaime round? That face-off netted 15 times the normal vote rate, so either Steve Jobs issued an internal memo, or some coder needs a hobby. In any case, this is the perfect chance to throw both out in favor of a recently discovered snacky flacky:

The flack: Steve Langdon
The firm: Google, corporate communications
The pic: "Deep Voice" [Yahoo Personals]
The juice: Presumably tired of trolling the Googleplex cafeteria (or too smart to date inside the office), Steve opted for a Yahoo Personals ad. Says he had lunch at Miles Davis's house once — maybe he can take you on a second visit. One does assume he's single.
Full poll results after the jump.
Part of: Snacky or Flacky (all posts) [Valleywag]
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