Snacky or Flacky: Terra Carmichael and Kay Luo officially snacky
Another fun round of Valleywag's PR hotties tournament, Snacky or Flacky, wraps up:

The lovely Terra Carmichael beat the also lovely Dina Freeman, 218 to 105, in the Yahoo PR People Prelim Round. That means Terra will represent Yahoo (though not really represent, not the way Yahoo's legal team means it) in the next stage of Snacky or Flacky.

Simply Hired publicist Kay Luo won against the PR goddess behind Craigslist, Susan Best, in a photo finish: 128 votes to 126. So long, Susan, and congrats, Kay.
Full results after the jump. Next, hot PR hunks vie for your love.
Part of: Snacky or Flacky (all posts) [Valleywag]
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