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If only there were photo-sharing sites on the webwouldn't that be pretty cool?

Well thank the gods for Tabblo, the "groundbreaking free online photo-sharing site" launching May 15! With no competitors to immediately gank its features, Tabblo is headed straight to the top of Bubble 2.0. After the jump, dig their press release (embargoed 'til May 15! Shhhh).

From: "Kerry Metzdorf" Date: May 5, 2006 10:28:30 AM PDT To: Subject: new online photo-sharing site launching May 15 - Tabblo

Hi [redacted] -

We wanted to let you know that on May 15th a groundbreaking free online photo-sharing site called will be launched. This new site provides professional quality templates and powerful editing tools to create online albums from photos taken by consumers, their friends and families to share online, turn into print products, or contribute into blogs and websites.

Tabblo surpasses other photo-sharing sites through its emphasis on creative control and collaboration, not just sharing of photos. By providing easy-to-use, browser-based layout and photo editing tools, and secure collaboration on photo-based projects, Tabblo creates more distinctive and elegant online photo albums (tabblos), and print products than anywhere else on the Internet.

With Tabblo people can easily and securely pool pictures with family and friends to make great-looking group tabblos or group memories for all. It offers secure access and the ability to download full-resolution images free for local printing.

Antonio Rodriguez, founder of Tabblo (and former VP of MyPublisher) would like to give you a sneak peak of Tabblo's new product - this news is under embargo until May 15.

Please let me know if you'd be interested in speaking with Antonio and taking an early look at the product. I can be reached at [redacted] or [redacted]. I've also inserted below sample images of print posters, the first print product launching with this new service.

Kerry Metzdorf
Red Javelin Communications, Inc.

Tabblo [Official site]
Photography services [Web 2.0 services database]