Celebrity Brooklynites Unite to Save Their Borough

Vigilant anti-Ratner organization Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn announces today the formation of an Advisory Board, full of celebrity superheroes willing to fight the crime, injustice, and the Nets Stadium. Notable Brooklynite members include Rosie Perez, Steve Buscemi, Jonathan Lethem, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams, Jhumpa Lahiri, and the Prince of Park Slope, Jonathan Safran Foer. In the release, Williams recovers from her Supporting Actress loss to chase the glory of Best Random Spokeswoman:
To my mind Ratner's plan does not respect what is unique, inherent and crucial to Brooklyn's landscape and history. The 'Atlantic Yards' proposal is completely out of character with the existing scale and mocks Brooklyn's beautiful diverse cultures. His vision will increase traffic, pollution and asthma. My husband Heath and I moved to Brooklyn for light and space and air. If Mr. Ratner lived here he would understand what we love about it and why we want to preserve our open skies.
Moving, but Heath and Michelle are not exactly married. How can we side with this woman when she feeds us such vicious lies?
DDDB Announces Formation of Advisory Board [DDDB via Curbed]